Using the Website Tracking functionality in Customer Insights – Journeys means you can then start using either of the two out of the box triggers. In a previous post I provided a glossary for the Marketing Website Visited trigger, and this post will give you a Marketing Website Clicked Trigger Glossary.

You can review the trigger by going to Triggers> Standard triggers > Marketing Website Clicked. This shows that the trigger can work for either Contacts or Leads, and shows all of the attributes.

Click to view in detail

Action Is Outbound

Initially I thought this might be linked to Outbound as in Outbound/Realtime. However, this refers to if the click that happened ended up taking the person away from your website and to a different domain. This should be true or false.

Action Name

This is the name on the link or button that was clicked on. For example, if someone clicked on the button to subscribe to content, the action name would be the word on the button, ‘Subscribe to content’ in this case.

Action Target

This is tied in with the Action Name and is the target link that the ‘action’ would take the visitor to. If someone clicked on the subscribe to content button, the action target would be https://meganvwalker.com/subscribe. Note that this is the actual website click that is then firing the trigger.

Action Type

This is the specific thing the user did on the click. You and I might just do a left mouse click but there are of course other options. In the list below, the value in quotes is what will be sent back via the trigger.

  • Left Click: “LClick”,
  • Right Click: “RClick”,
  • Middle Click: “MClick”,
  • Keyboard Enter: “KEnter”,
  • Keyboard Space: “KSpace”

Click Coordinates

Websites and their pages use a 2D coordinate system where the top-left corner of the webpage is (0, 0). For some of my testing, I saw a value of 1149X1179 passed via the trigger. In this example, the first number (1149) represents the horizontal (X-axis) position, measured in pixels from the left edge of the page. The second number (1179) represents the vertical (Y-axis) position, measured in pixels from the top edge of the page. This is unlikely to be used to trigger a journey but potentially could be useful for understanding exactly where on the page someone clicked.

Original Timestamp

This is the date and time of when the Website Visit actually happened.

Page Title

Each page of a website has what is known as a Meta Title. This is seen at the very top of the browser for the tab you have open, and also used in search engine listings. My home page for example has a title of “Power Platform | D365 | Customer Insights | Megan V. Walker”.

Previous Views

This will have information with the page the visitor was previously on. If the person had previously been on the main blog page then navigated to this specific blog post, the previous page name would be https://meganvwalker.com/blog/

View Name

View name is everything AFTER the domain of your website. So if the URL was this > https://meganvwalker.com/marketing-website-clicked-trigger-glossary-in-customer-insights-journeys the page name would be website-visits-trigger-glossary-available-fields

View URL

The view url is the full URL of the page on the website where the click occurred (not the click itself). So if it was on this page, the View URL would be https://meganvwalker.com/website-visits-trigger-glossary-available-fields/,

So if you check out the original post on Website Tracking In Realtime Marketing you can then see how you could start off your journey using a trigger and check the right conditions based on your requirements. Have fun!

Check out the latest post:
Create Dynamic Email Signatures With User Images In Realtime Marketing

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