In the latest video on Personal Brand, I got to chat with Amy Sewell and got a unique insight and perspective from someone teaching a course on the subject. In this video, I’ve got a well-known name from the Power Platform Community, Senior Product Evangelist from Microsoft, Jon Levesque.
Jon really brought the Flow/Power Automate name and product to the forefront of the Power Platform and was instrumental in building up the community around the workflow and automation tool. I first met Jon at a user group event and was impressed he’d brought along his cameraman and was focused not only on an awesome presentation but also on capturing the vibe from the community.
Although so much of Jon’s YouTube channel are demonstrations, and collaboration videos around Microsoft products, he also shares snippets of his personal life, his love of the community and even tech reviews. He’s also a massive gamer and regularly streams on Twitch.
You can find Jon in the following places:
Jon talks about his journey and approach to building a personal brand. You can check out the video here!
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