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The release notes for Dynamics 365 Wave 1 2023 have been published. My good friend Amey Holden and I got together to chat about each proposed change or new feature. Again we are focusing on the Marketing aspects and the new features we should expect to see in this release.

The D365 Marketing overview can be found here: 

Overview of Dynamics 365 Marketing 2023 release wave 1

In our video chat below, Amey and I cover the following:

Also, changes that happened in the Wave 2 2022 release:

Check out the latest post:
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D365 Marketing Weekly
Have you seen the D365 Marketing Weekly newsletter yet?
A weekly issue covering features, functionality and news on the topic of Marketing, specifically covering Dynamics 365 Marketing and other interesting tools and tips for anyone interested in the subject.
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2 thoughts on “D365 Marketing Chat With Amey Holden – Discussing Marketing Features from Wave 1 2023

  1. Megan, Amey – great job as always! Super interesting to hear you banter about our release notes. Makes me want to get this feedback before we publish them as I realized we could have been more clear in many cases.

    Reach out, happy to have you review our designs for the UTM codes and any other features — feedback is how we build products people love.

    Thanks again for being such amazing advocates of D365 Marketing.

    1. Hi Jim,

      Thanks for watching our banter! I think it’s hard to be 100% clear without having demos of each new area of functionality. As always, Amey and I provide our thoughts on what we ‘think’ things are going to look like, or what we know based on having seen specifics with the team (where not under NDA).

      It’s one of the areas of D365 and the Power Platform that I enjoy working on the most, and pretty sure the same goes for Amey too!

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