Categories: Microsoft Bookings

Now that we have Microsoft Bookings set up, and the services offered all added, the staff members can be reviewed. We can add, remove and edit information, making sure the right people are selected and made available for customers to book time and appointments with. Adding them at the Staff level then means we can make sure we select the right people to provide the right services. When you create the new Bookings calendar, all users with an Office 365 license will be added to the staff area automatically.

Each staff member is given a role. The person who created the Bookings calendar is set as the Administrator. Everyone else can then be given one of the following roles.

RoleWhat this meansWhat you can do in Bookings
AdministratorStaff member has a Microsoft 365 accountEdit all settings, Add and remove staff, Create, edit, or delete bookings
ViewerStaff member has a Microsoft 365 accountSee your own bookings on your personal calendar, Receive a meeting invitation when assigned to a booking so you can add it to your personal calendar (valid email address required), Receive email reminders of upcoming bookings, Receive notifications of cancellations and changes
GuestStaff member doesn’t have a Microsoft 365 accountBe signed up to deliver booked services but cannot access Bookings, Receive a meeting invitation when assigned to a booking so you can add it to your personal calendar (valid email address required), Receive email reminders of upcoming bookings, Receive notifications of cancellations and changes

Clicking on one of the staff members, we can then look at the details for that person. The initials will be pulled from the First Name and Last Name of the user. Their name and email will also be displayed. Note, the phone number doesn’t currently pull through, but that can be added in if needed. Email notifications can be turned on to make sure the member of staff is informed with an email when a new booking has been assigned to them. Notifications will be sent for new, or modified bookings. The availability section will show the business hours by default. This can be modified for each staff member, which is useful if someone works part-time, or different hours to the regular business hours. You can also sync up with the users own personal Office calendar, which means they will not be available if they have other appointments or meetings scheduled and their time is blocked off.

Once you have all of your Staff members reviewed and updated as needed, you can add time off if required. This might be needed for things like national holidays, or if someone is out of the office unexpectedly. Or if you have added staff members that do not have an Office 365 account for your organisation, you would need to block off their time in this way. From the Calendar, click on Time off at the top.

The details of the time off can then be added, with one or more staff members being selected for this calendar entry.

Once this has been added, all of the staff members who were selected for the time off will have the day(s) blocked off on their calendar. This will mean they are not available to be booked within that specific time frame.

Each person who was selected and added to the time off entry will receive an email notification letting them know.

If you have the need to add additional staff members who are not Office 365 users, or if you add new users to your organisation after the Bookings calendar was originally created, you can add them from the top of the Staff area. If they are not in your organisation, just type out their details. If they are, add part of their name, then click on Search Directory.

They should then appear, and can be selected from the list that appears.

Add in their phone number if necessary, and then select the role they should have. If it’s a guest, the availability section will show the box for ‘Events on Office calendar affect availability’ to be disabled.

That’s it! Once all of your Staff are set up, you are ready to create your Bookings page and start accepting bookings! You can watch the video to go along with this post here.

Check out the latest post:
Create A Simple Event Session Registration Trigger

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11 thoughts on “Managing Your Team & Staff Members In Microsoft Bookings

  1. Hi Megan,

    Can we add more roles here in bookings for staff as Admin gives to much and viewer is too less. Please help me here.

    Thanks in advance

    1. Hi Rohan. No, you have no way of adding in extra security roles, just to use the ones provided by Microsoft.

  2. Hi Megan,

    I have Bookings set up for my colleagues and they are set up as administrators. However, they aren’t able to access the Bookings calendar in the same way I am. For example, they can’t see the information about the customers or make changes to their services. How can I make it so that each administrator has control over his/her service?

    1. Hi Jennifer. It’s not clear if the Administrator role that you assign to other Staff members should be able to make changes to services. Administrators can edit all settings, add and remove staff, and create, edit, or delete bookings. In theory, a service is not a setting… in which case it could be that they aren’t able to make those kinds of changes. You could try adding your question in the forums here which are often checked and reviewed by people on the Bookings Team at Microsoft:

  3. Hey Rohan, we can actually add the staff as ‘team members’, which would allow them to manage their own calendar rather than admin privilege.

  4. Hey,

    I wondered if it possible for all bookings to be integrated into all staff calendars, even if they are not providing the service? I want everyone to be able to see who has been booked for a service and when in their usual office calendars.


    1. Hi E. They should be able to add the calendar in to Outlook in the same way they would add a shared colleagues calendar. I don’t think there is a way to force it to show automatically, but I guess it could be possible, I am not that knowledgeable on Outlook and sharing calendars though!

  5. hi Megan – I created a new Booking site & added myself as Team member instead of Administrator.
    How can I make myself Admin?

    1. Hi Rich, if you created the calendar, you should automatically be made an Administrator. If you didn’t, or somehow were able to change it, you will need to get someone else who is an Administrator to change your level of access fro you.

  6. Hi. I have staff marked as Guest and its not connecting to their calendar. How can I change the role to Viewer so their calendar will connect, hence not booking while they have another personal appointment on their calendar? When I try to edit, its grayed out, not letting me change it and I am the administrator. Thank you.

    1. Hi Julie, in terms of the Guest role, Microsoft detail this as meaning – Staff member doesn’t have a Microsoft 365 account. In order to make them a Viewer they need to have a Microsoft 365 account. If you feel they do have an account of this type, I would suggest contacting Microsoft to see if they can assist in swapping the role for them.

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