One easy (and free) way to get people back to your own site is by visiting others. Spending time reading articles by other bloggers is not only educational, but by posting comments you can show yourself to be knowledgeable in the same field or created new contacts. This in turn could find you with more of your own readers who are interested in what you have to say. Have you noticed on some blogs that some commenters have their photograph or an image next to their name? These are known as avatars and are quick and easy to set up using Gravatar. Start by visting the Gravatar website at: http://en.gravatar.com/
Create your own Gravatar
Gravatars are linked to an e-mail address. This should be the same e-mail address that you will use to post with on others blogs. If you already have an account with wordpress.com you can log in to the Gravatar site with those credentials. If not it’s quick and free to register. You don’t need to create a blog (although who knows it might be your thing!).
Once you have your WordPress account, go back to Gravatar and log in. Upload an image to create your Gravatar.
Next you can crop the image to display the area of the photograph you want to use. It will give you a preview of how it will look when used as a small image and when used as a large image:
Once the image is cropped, you must choose the rating for the Gravatar. Best keep it rated G 😉
Next time you add a note to a blog that has the Gravatar’s activated, your image will show up next to your name and comments. Why not try it in the comments section below?
Check out the latest post:
Create A Simple Event Session Registration Trigger
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