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On to Part Two of this mini-series, all about using D365 Marketing when planning and conducting webinars for an organisation. This is all about adding your team members and speakers. You could do this while adding your event, but sometimes it’s good to just get all the pieces together before getting to that point. So this will show you where to go to get this administrative task out of the way. Let’s take a look!

From the Events menu in the D365 Marketing app, under the events section click on Event Team Members

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You can then add a new team member. This person can be either a Contact you have in D365, or a User that’s internal to your organisation. Technically the system lets you add someone that is neither, but I would advise against it. It doesn’t make much sense to save someone without an actual person tied to it. Here we can see a user is added as an internal team member. This person has the role of session management with a description of what they might need to do as it relates to Events.

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If you add someone who is a Contact, you’ll see their company details and contact information. We can then select this person as either internal or external for their team member type.

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We can also add in a role and description for a Contact too. This is purely informative for our own internal needs.

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You’ve then got a nice list of team members that can be reviewed. When a new event is added and it’s set up as a Teams Live or Teams Webinar event, the user who creates the record will be the owner of the event in Teams. Anyone else added as an Event Team Member will automatically be sent a calendar invite about the webinar. If you create a Teams Live event, Event Team Members will be added as a Producer of the event in teams. They can start and stop the event and manage the presenter’s video feed.

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Still in the Events area, navigating to the Participants section will give you the ability to add Speakers.

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Speakers are those who will provide the demo or share content during the webinar. There are a lot of fields that can be completed on a Speaker record. These will be important if you want to use the Events Portal rather than using your own corporate website. For this purpose, we just need to add their name and email really, nothing further is required.

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Once a speaker is linked to an event, they will be sent a calendar invite for the event. If you are doing a Teams Live event, any speakers added will be added as a Presenter in Teams. This means they will be able to share their screen and interact with the chat.

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Once you’re finished, that’s it! Next step, adding the new Event record in D365 Marketing.

Check out the latest post:
Create A Simple Event Session Registration Trigger

D365 Marketing Weekly
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A weekly issue covering features, functionality and news on the topic of Marketing, specifically covering Dynamics 365 Marketing and other interesting tools and tips for anyone interested in the subject.
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