Categories: WordPress

It’s nearly the end of 2021, hooray! One last post for the year, mainly because I noticed something the other day and wanted to have an excuse to use it and play around. The ability to add a timeline block to a blog post! I discovered it by accident and clicked on it before I realised what it was. You can add a really nice looking responsive timeline block to one of your posts (or pages) in WordPress. So I figured I would give it a whirl.

First, from the top of your post, click the toggle block inserter plus button.

Click to view in detail

Then type the word timeline into the search box. If you have never installed this before, it will show you what you have available to install. I went with the Timeline block by Cool Plugins, mainly because it has 5 stars and the other has none, and it looks a little nicer. Click on it and it will be installed for you.

Click to view in detail

It will immediately add a new block for you that includes a timeline with two dates on it.

Click to view in detail

Clicking on it you can then edit a few settings on the right side for the block. By default, the timeline goes on two sides with alternate dates. This can be changed so everything goes on one side. You can set the size of the title text, description text, and date and time text. You can also adjust the colour of the text and the colour of the accents for the circle and line on the timeline.

Click to view in detail

Adjusting an individual block within the timeline is really easy. Just click on the text to change it, simple! You can also add an image to each section too. That’s it!

Click to view in detail

Finished Timeline

So here is a timeline for you. I think it looks pretty slick and it;’s also responsive so resizes nicely no matter what device someone is reading your post on. 🌞 Just a bit of fun. Do you think you will have cause to use it in the future?

1 January 2020

MVW Consulting Ltd Launched

Started my own company providing consulting and configuration to organisations understanding the value of Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform.

The UP Podcast Launched

Started The UP Podcast with Lisa Crosbie, where we talk about what’s up in Microsoft Business Applications – Power Platform, Dynamics 365, and the broader unified platform of Microsoft technologies. 

27 May 2020
31 May 2020

Launched Google Analytics Series

Created a blog and video series all about Google Analytics for people to learn from.

Launched Personal Brand Series

Asked questions of other MVP’s about their own personal brand and what it means to them and created a short series all about building YOUR personal brand.

18 August 2020
5 April 2021

Launched A to Z of D365 Marketing Series

YouTube series where I did 26 videos covering the A to Z of Dynamics 365 Marketing to help others learn about the product.

Launched A to Z of Real-time Marketing

This time I covered the Real-time Marketing functionality from the Dynamics 365 Marketing App in an A to Z series on YouTube.

1 November 2021
18 November 2021

365 Community Chats Launched

Chats with members of the Power Platform, Dynamics and Microsoft community. Sitting down, getting cosy and catching up. 365 Community Chats.

Who Knows?

Not sure what next year will bring! Watch this space.😊

January 2020

Check out the latest post:
Create A Simple Event Session Registration Trigger

This is just 1 of 492 articles. You can browse through all of them by going to the main blog page, or navigate through different categories to find more content you are interested in. You can also subscribe and get new blog posts emailed to you directly.