D365 Marketing Weekly
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If you are on my website reading this, I think you know that I LOVE MARKETING right? If not, just know that I definitely do. 😊 So I am really excited that the Wave 1 2022 Release notes from Microsoft covers a TON of new features and functionality specifically for Dynamics 365 Marketing. I’ve made a video talking through all of the items and what I think/hope they will actually mean!

It’s fantastic to see how much this area is being invested in. The features are related to Real-time Marketing, and if you aren’t sure what I am referring to, take a look at the A to Z of Real-time Marketing series I did that should get you up to speed.

First things first, here are links to not just the release notes for Dynamics 365, but also for Power Platform features:

I also do a podcast with my good friend Lisa Crosbie called The UP Podcast. Our latest episode is our top picks from either of the two release notes for Wave 1 2022. You can check that out using the link below:

Episode 71 – 2022 Release Wave 1 Plan – Top Picks

Finally, the most important good stuff, I’ve done a video talking through all of the new features specifically as they relate to Dynamics 365 Marketing that you can review below. Enjoy, and let me know in the comments what your thoughts are about the proposed new features!

Check out the latest post:
Create Dynamic Email Signatures With User Images In Realtime Marketing

D365 Marketing Weekly
Have you seen the D365 Marketing Weekly newsletter yet?
A weekly issue covering features, functionality and news on the topic of Marketing, specifically covering Dynamics 365 Marketing and other interesting tools and tips for anyone interested in the subject.
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