This post is slightly more unique as it might not impact all that many. However, I have seen this enough times to know that it might not be a feature many know about or how to turn it on and off! I’m talking about the navigation in a model-driven Power App (or D365 for most), where each group or section in the navigation has an arrow next to it and you have to click to expand or collapse them like an accordion. For me, I find this SO ANNOYING… so here is how to turn this off.
This is what I am referring to. I’ve seen it mostly in the Marketing App, but this applies to Sales Hub, Customer Service Hub and Custom Apps. Instead of seeing all groups expanded, we have to click on the arrow next to each one to open it up and find what we are looking for.
To change this, as a System Administrator navigate to make.powerapps.com. Then go to the correct environment and click on Apps. From the list of Apps, click on the one that you wish to adjust.
When the app screen opens, click on Settings.
From here, click on Navigation, and then untick the box for ‘Enable collapsible groups’. Save and Publish the App.
Phew! Glad that is sorted. In my opinion this looks so much cleaner! It’s faster and easier for me to find what I am looking for by scrolling up and down the navigation rather than having to expand each group as I go to get to what I want, especially if it’s something I don’t need to open that often. It’s hard to memorise all the groups and where things live!
Even if this helps just one person, my job here is done. π
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