D365 Marketing Weekly
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A weekly issue covering features, functionality and news on the topic of Marketing, specifically covering Dynamics 365 Marketing and other interesting tools and tips for anyone interested in the subject.
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It’s sometimes hard to keep track of all that is new or changing with the Power Platform and Dynamics world right? There are Wave 1 & 2 features each year, and one way to opt in, then there are new features that get pushed out at other times in the year, then there is D365 Marketing. 😊 That’s different too! However, something cool is now available (you might have noticed this already) to help make sure you are on the latest version of the Marketing App. Let’s check it out!

If you go to the Marketing App and in to the Marketing Settings area, it might look like this. If it does, read on! If not, read on anyway, just in case.

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First, you must have opted into Wave 1 for the environment your Marketing App is tied to in order to do any of the following. So make sure that is done first. If you have System Administrator rights, you can go to https://admin.powerplatform.microsoft.com/resources/applications. From this area, look for Dynamics 365 Marketing in the list, then click to select it. Then click on Manage from the top menu.

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You’ll see this popup and can click OK.

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If you are a bit behind, you’ll see Update available with an Update packages button. Clicking on this will start the update to get you on to the latest version available.

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Once it’s done, you will see that your application is now up to date.

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If you go back to the settings area in the Marketing App (maybe refresh a few times), you should now see it looking a little different. You will also see there is now a nice Versions button available in the menu!

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Clicking on the versions button will then tell you what version you are currently on, and if there is a new version available. This is so much easier for a marketing professional to be made aware of possible new functionality or changes to the app, and if they don’t have access to do it themselves they can at least let their System Administrator know so they can update it at an appropriate time. Hooray!

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Check out the latest post:
Create Email Templates Using Custom HTML In Realtime Marketing

D365 Marketing Weekly
Have you seen the D365 Marketing Weekly newsletter yet?
A weekly issue covering features, functionality and news on the topic of Marketing, specifically covering Dynamics 365 Marketing and other interesting tools and tips for anyone interested in the subject.
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