The Power Apps Portals customisation experience is getting better and better, and a lot of your changes can be made directly within the area. However, there are still a lot of things you CAN’T do there, and need to work on and customise from within the Dynamics 365 Portals Model-driven App. I’ve noticed a … Continue reading Script Errors & Jigsaw Icons In D365 Portal App
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We’ve got tons of way to filter data in Microsoft Clarity, including standard filters, and advanced filters. What if you want to add some additional filters? Well you can, if you add custom tags. How easy is it to do that? Well, pretty easy if you understand what you want to capture AND you know … Continue reading Adding Custom Tags To Use With Microsoft Clarity
I’ve been writing about Dynamics 365 since it was called CRM, and have changed and evolved as the Power Platform has adjusted and morphed into what we know it today. You can find articles with content on D365 Customer Engagement, D365 Marketing Power Automate, Power Apps Portals, and a whole host of other topics!. All … Continue reading Articles
Right now, the world is in a very strange place. We are each trying to find our new normal. You might be lucky, and can carry on doing what you’ve always done, working from home on projects you love. You could also have found yourself with less, or even no work depending on the industry … Continue reading It’s Time To Learn
Recently I was working on a project that called for displaying invoices in a Dynamics 365 Portal. We can easily add the ability to show the Notes entity on the Invoice entity, allowing a user to add a PDF of the invoice which could then be displayed on the portal. However, I wanted something that … Continue reading Generating Invoices To Display In Power Apps Portal
Here we have the final article in a three part series of how to create a Forms Library using Microsoft Flow, Dynamics Portals and Forms Pro. Part One showed all of the D365CE and Portal configuration needed, then Part Two showed how to create a Flow to actually generate Account specific surveys which would then … Continue reading Creating A Forms Library – Flow Two
If you have been reading my blog for a while you will know there are several things I love to write about (and no, not Emojis 😉 ) – that’s Forms Pro and Portals. So I think it is about time I combine the two and walk through how I created a Forms Library for … Continue reading Creating A Forms Library – Portal Configuration
Last week I was lucky enough to be able to attend the User Group Summit event in Amsterdam. Not only that, I had a session that I presented all about Power BI (you can see it here in video format if interested in that kind of thing!). So, what do I know? Primarily, I am … Continue reading Don’t ‘Stay In Your Lane’
There is so much buzz going on about the User Group Summit Europe event in Amsterdam next week, and I can’t wait to present there. However, I’m now looking at the week after, and getting ready for my presentation at the very first D365/CRMUG happening in Nottingham on Thursday April 4th! It’s been organised by … Continue reading D365UG/CRMUG – Presentation in Nottingham
One thing about the Microsoft Portals that has always annoyed me slightly (even when using it when Adxstudios) is the Profile area. A user registers, then sees a little mystery person image but with no way to change it or upload their own photo. It isn’t tied to the Contact entity image, so that won’t … Continue reading Adding Portal Profile Photos Using Power Automate, Liquid, CSS & JS – Part One