Categories: Events

There is so much buzz going on about the User Group Summit Europe event in Amsterdam next week, and I can’t wait to present there. However, I’m now looking at the week after, and getting ready for my presentation at the very first D365/CRMUG happening in Nottingham on Thursday April 4th!

It’s been organised by three guys already well known in the D365 Community, Charles Osei, Jamie Barker and Andrew Brown. It’s an honor to have been asked to speak alongside two people I respect and consider friends – Jamie (Barker) and Julian Sharp.

The event is being held at the RSM UK Consulting offices (7th Floor City Gate East, Tollhouse Hill, Nottingham, NG1 5FS) with arrival from 6 PM, and the first session kicking off at 6.30 PM. For their first event, it’s a pretty awesome line up!

Jamie will be covering Flowism: The theory of process evolution. The traditional dynamics workflow has not evolved for some time, if you’ve not explored Flow yet, now is the time! In this session we will introduce flow from a Dynamics world and evolve the thinking into some of the extended possibilities

Julian is going to focus on Azure Fundamentals from a Dynamics perspective. He will give an overview of the services available in Azure and how they can be used in conjunction with Dynamics 365 to solve day to day problems.

For my presentation I will be taking a look at something I am extremely passionate about, and that’s Dynamics Portals. Specifically, delving into What the heck is liquid! Find out and see just how easy it can be to provide a truly customised experience to your portal users. As a ‘non-coder’ myself, this session is definitely for other ‘non-coders’! I’ve been learning more and more about liquid for the past few months. Once I wrapped my head around it, and started exploring the possibilities, I’ve been able to pick it up pretty quickly, and really make a difference to the experience of a portal user.

So, if you want to come along you can register here. These events are great for meeting other like-minded people, networking and learning about new features and functionality, or brushing up on skills you need for your role, or learn more about a subject you are passionate about. Will I see you there?

Check out the latest post:
Create Dynamic Email Signatures With User Images In Realtime Marketing

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