Send Password Reset To Contact Using Power Automate

Back at the start of 2019, I wrote a blog about how to set up and use the Forgotten Password Functionality for portals (Power Pages). Functionality exists for a portal that gives a Contact the ability to do a password reset when they have forgotten their password. This exists as a process (old school workflow) … Continue reading Send Password Reset To Contact Using Power Automate

Script Errors & Jigsaw Icons In D365 Portal App

The Power Apps Portals customisation experience is getting better and better, and a lot of your changes can be made directly within the area. However, there are still a lot of things you CAN’T do there, and need to work on and customise from within the Dynamics 365 Portals Model-driven App. I’ve noticed a … Continue reading Script Errors & Jigsaw Icons In D365 Portal App

Using Google Analytics & Google Tag Manager In A Dynamics Portal

In June 2020, I put together a 30-day series that covered Google Analytics. Since then, I have had several questions about how you can add it to a Dynamics Portal, but using Google Tag Manager. So a quick blog and video hopefully will help! Here are the main points, but the video walks through the … Continue reading Using Google Analytics & Google Tag Manager In A Dynamics Portal

Using Font Awesome To Improve Your Portal Users Experience

If you have ever used a portal for Dynamics 365 you will have noticed that the navigation along the top has a little house to indicate the home page link. If you edit the navigation you will see that the Image URL field contains .fa.fa-home. Ever wondered what that is? It’s using something called Font … Continue reading Using Font Awesome To Improve Your Portal Users Experience