In a previous blog post I wrote about how to automatically populate the shipping and billing address for an Order. This isn’t the only way, so in this post I’ll focus on the Look Up Address button that appears at the top of a Quote and an Order record. NOTE: the button also appears on an Invoice in D365, but most likely you would have already added any addresses at the Order stage.

Let’s start by understanding how addresses work in D365. In the other article I mentioned above, I suggested using the Address 1 and Address 2 composites. However, you can add as many addresses as you need to an Account (or Contact). From your Account form, add in a subgrid, and select the Addresses entity like you see below.

Clicking on the Edit button to see the All Customer Addresses default view, you will notice some strange looking filter criteria that you can’t actually see. Don’t delete it (or you won’t be able to get it back), but instead, if you want to change the criteria, add in a new view. Notice that an address has an Address Number. Automatically when a new Account is created you will have an Address 1 and an Address 2 (just like I suggested using in the last post). Any addresses added after that will get the next number.

So, here we can see the subgrid on an Account. Notice the empty line, and if we open it, you can see it’s defaulted as the Bill To, and given Address Number 2. The address number field isn’t on the Address form by default, and it’s only been added to show you that it exists!

Adding a new address is easy, just click the plus button at the top of your new sub grid, and fill out all the fields. Although you can add a shipping method and freight terms, there doesn’t seem to be a way to populate those on to the Quote/Order when selecting the address (let me know in the comments if there is so I can update the article!).

Now, back to our Quote. Clicking on the Look Up Address button brings up this screen. We can then select an address linked to the Customer on the Quote. Decide if this address should be added as the Bill To address, the Ship To address, or both.

Notice all of the addresses on the Account. By default Address 1 and Address 2 won’t have a name, so it might be confusing for a user to know exactly which one to use. This is why displaying all of the addresses in the sub grid on the Account is helpful. That way you can give Address 1 & 2 a name.

Once you’ve selected the address and clicked OK, it will update in the appropriate fields on the Quote. As mentioned, you have the same button on the Order AND the Invoice. So, regardless of if you use the button, or a variation on the method I detailed here, there are certainly quite a few options to make sure your Bill To and your Ship To addresses get populated efficiently.

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6 thoughts on “Using the Look Up Address Button on Quotes & Orders

  1. I am trying to add a addresses sub-grid on account form to add multiple address of the company. But when I try to save the address, it gives an error saying that the entity is not available.

    Any suggestion to fix this?

    1. Hi Eatsam, what relationship have you used on the sub grid? I know you can’t share screenshots here, but happy to respond via email if that is easier for you. hello at meganvwalker.com

  2. Hi – when you use this Lookup Address feature on the Order form, and you select ‘+ New’, does this Address get associated to the Account/Contact record who is making the order? Trying to determine where this address will be stored once it is created from the Lookup Address button. Thanks in advance!

    1. If you just do a New Address then it’s not linking to the Account or Contac that is on the Order form, just going to the Address table. So, if you want to use an address that is not currently on your Account, I would navigate to that Account first to add the address, then come back and do the Lookup Address option back on the Order.

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