We’ve had the ability to add a custom thank you message to be displayed once a respondent has submitted a survey in Forms Pro, but now in Customer Voice, we can create a customised message that will be displayed instead. We can use variables and responses to specific questions to determine what message will be displayed, so let’s take a look!

From your survey in Customer Voice, scroll down to the bottom to the Post-survey message section. We can see the default message for the survey. Click on Add Message to create your own.

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First we need to add the heading. We can add hyperlinks and use variables in the message to make it specific to the respondent. Note, you should only do this if the person submitting the response will be coming from a personlised link where you have been able to pass through variables.

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Then we can set the message that should be displayed. Again, you can use hyperlinks and variables where it makes sense. Next, we will set a condition to determine when the message should be shown. Here, I have used a variable called SupportTier, and to show the message only when that variable is equal to Gold.

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We can add additional conditions, and choose the logic based on a variable or on the response to a specific question.

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We can also add additional messages. Below you can see three messages, each one will show based on a different value for the SupportTier variable.

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Now when the survey has been submitted, we can show different information at the end that has been personalised based on question responses and variables. Awesome!

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You can watch a video on this here.

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Create Email Templates Using Custom HTML In Realtime Marketing

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