Categories: Microsoft Clarity

Setting Goals and tracking your successes in meeting them is one of the key things every marketer should be doing. There are many tools out there to help you do this, but honestly, two of the best ones are free, and if you aren’t taking advantage of them you are really missing out. I’ve written about Microsoft Clarity and Google Analytics many times now, and how they can work beautifully together! In this post, I’ll show you how your Goals in Google Analytics can be used in Microsoft Clarity to filter your recordings and heatmaps and help you understand more about your visitor’s experience and perhaps why you don’t hit those goals every time.

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First, you will need to make sure you’ve set up the Google Analytics integration from Microsoft Clarity for this all to work. Within Google Analytics, navigate to the Admin area from the bottom left of the screen.

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Then from the Property you are tracking, go to the right view you want to add your Goal to, then click on Goals.

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There are a ton of options for setting up Goals but currently, Microsoft Clarity only supports the passing through and using of Destination Goals. We are going to look up setting up a Custom Goal. I’ve also written more about creating Goals in Google Analytics here.

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Now we give the goal a name. In this example, I am going to track how many visitors go through and complete my subscription form by landing on the thank you page. The Type is Destination, then we click the Continue button to go to the next stage in the set up of the goal.

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We need to set the destination. I am using the path to my page but without the main domain. We can leave it at that if we want, which would track any time the goal occurs by someone landing on that page. However, we can also track steps in the path towards meeting the goal. In this example, if someone goes to the Blog page that will start the funnel, and I’ve made it required to only include sessions that include that page on my site towards meeting the goal. Then I want to see that they have landed on the Subscription page on my site. The final step will be whatever I put in the top destination path.

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To review the Goals (once you have some data that has come through after setting up the goal as it is not retroactive), navigate to the Conversions area. If you have added a funnel, click on Funnel Visualisation, otherwise you can just go to the Overview page to review.

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Here we can see the full path and funnel for the New Subscriber Goal I created. We can see that 20 people landed on the Blog page, then out of that number 14 exited by leaving the website or going to another page. From there, the 6 who went to the subscription form page, 3 of them left without submitting the form, but 3 of them completed it and landed on the final destination page.

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Now that we know the Goal is set up and working, it should show up in Microsoft Clarity within about 24 hours (be patient!). Also, remember that currently, it will only bring across destination goals like the one created above. When a goal has more than one step, we can see them all listed in numbered order. Each stage of the goal has the ability to click on the icon for heatmaps or recordings.

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When clicking on an icon it is passed through the filter at the top so we know we are only looking at information that matches that criteria. This way we can review the sessions people have had on our website and perhaps gain greater insight as to why someone might have left the page before completing a specific goal

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You can watch a video on this here.

Check out the latest post:
Create A Simple Event Session Registration Trigger

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2 thoughts on “Google Analytics Goals In Microsoft Clarity

  1. Hi Megan, thank you for your insights of Microsoft Clarity.

    Do you know if it’s possible to use the data form Microsoft Clarity into Dynamics Marketing?

    1. Hi Marco, what are you hoping to achieve? The data from Microsoft Clarity has come from your website, but it does not tie back into D365 Marketing data, that would be done by adding the marketing tracking code. Again, not knowing what you are trying to do, it’s hard to say if you can achieve what you want.

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