It’s sometimes hard to keep track of all that is new or changing with the Power Platform and Dynamics world right? There are Wave 1 & 2 features each year, and one way to opt in, then there are new features that get pushed out at other times in the year, then there is D365 … Continue reading Keeping Dynamics 365 Marketing Up To Date
Customer Insights Journeys – D365 Marketing Articles
Customer Insights – Journeys (formerly D365 Marketing) is a marketing-automation application that helps turn prospects into business relationships. The app works seamlessly with Dynamics 365 Sales, and has built-in business intelligence. Review articles for tips and ideas on how to use Customer Insights – Journeys.
- D365 Marketing Weekly Newsletter
- Check out The A to Z of Real-time Marketing!
- Check out The A to Z of Dynamics 365 Marketing!
- Guide To Creating & Managing Webinar Events
One of the first things you likely learned to create when starting off with the Dynamics 365 Marketing App was how to create segments. These are your ‘buckets’, ‘groups’ or ‘lists’ of people that you want to take on a Customer Journey of some kind. If you are using Dynamics 365 Customer Voice, you might … Continue reading D365 Marketing Segments & D365 Customer Voice
If you are using the Dynamics 365 Marketing app, no doubt you’ve already fallen in love with the Insights. The detail you can see for a Contact record in terms of all of the clicks, form submissions and website visits is awesome! You can also review the insights for any Marketing Websites you’ve added tracking … Continue reading Using Redirect URLs In D365 Marketing
When you are creating your marketing emails, how much are you considering the subject line? Are you paying much attention and considering how it will appear in different mail clients? What about the preview text? Is it important? When creating your marketing emails it might not be that obvious where to add the preview text, … Continue reading Making The Most Of The Email Subject And Preview Text
When sending out emails using the Dynamics 365 for Marketing app, a Customer Journey is needed each time. For each Customer Journey, you must determine the Content Settings to use for the entirety of the journey. Your Content Settings hold things like the organisations address, social media links, the subscription centre and a link for … Continue reading Using Content Settings For Dynamic Social Profile Links
We’ve all been sent marketing emails that we ignore, no one is immune. How can we make sure that the emails WE send from Dynamics 365 for Marketing have more chance of being opened… and even more important, being read! The sender of an email is a good place to start. Are you just sending … Continue reading Sending Emails From The Contact Owner With D365 Marketing
In a previous post, we reviewed how to display dynamic images in D365 for Marketing emails. This was done using images stored on a web server, named a specific way which could then be pulled in if they matched a value on an option set field. In this post, we will look at how you … Continue reading Displaying Dynamic Images Using Content Blocks
OK so Easter happened a few weeks back now, but let’s just pretend for a moment it didn’t, and this post is topical in terms of my imagery ????????????. If an organisation is planning out their marketing emails and using Dynamics 365 for Marketing, they might want to prepare campaigns that use different images based … Continue reading Using Fields To Display Dynamic Images In Marketing Emails
Getting your marketing emails right is important. How you address a client or prospect shows how much you really care about your data, and also shows how professional you may or may not be! How are you addressing people in YOUR emails? Are you using their name? What if you don’t have their first name, … Continue reading Using Conditional Statements For Email Recipient Salutations
In a previous post, we reviewed how to create Azure Blob Storage to use with your Dynamics 365 Marketing data. We can set it up and then use with Power BI which is awesome…. but surely if we have access to the data we can then do other things, like access CDS data related to … Continue reading Accessing Dynamics Marketing Data To Update CDS Data