There are currently 489 articles on my site. You can scroll through the latest posts below, or use the search functionality to find content based on specific key words. Articles cover a range of subjects including Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement, Power Automate, Power Apps Portals, and D365 Marketing (Customer Insights - Journeys).


Managing Text Message Subscriptions In D365 Marketing

Organisations who wish to embrace text or SMS marketing can do so using D365 Marketing. There are several service provider options available out of the box (TeleSign, Twilio, Azure SMS for some regions). You can watch one of the videos from my A to Z of Real-time Marketing that covers delivering text messages for more … Continue reading Managing Text Message Subscriptions In D365 Marketing

Microsoft Clarity Live Browser Extension

As someone with a passion and interest in analytics, websites and marketing, I’ve written about Microsoft Clarity a few times. It’s a fantastic free tool from Microsoft, and rather than a replacement for Google Analytics, should be used in conjunction to understand your website user behaviour and how they are interacting with your site. It … Continue reading Microsoft Clarity Live Browser Extension

D365 Account & Contact Management Using Power Automate

I’ve worked with Microsoft CRM for well over a decade, along it’s progression as Dynamics 365 and renaming’s of the Common Data Service, Dataflex, Project Oakdale and Dataverse. One of the things that has always been a bit frustrating is the clean up of data often needed when users aren’t always all that thorough in … Continue reading D365 Account & Contact Management Using Power Automate

Using Brand Profiles In D365 Marketing

With each new release from D365 Marketing come new features and improved functionality. If you are up to date and on at least version 1.85.2012.0 you may have already spotted the new feature of Brand profiles, providing the ability to create different profiles for the various products, services or areas of the business you are … Continue reading Using Brand Profiles In D365 Marketing

Using Content Blocks In D365 Real-time Marketing

Content blocks are not new in Dynamics 365 Marketing, and I’ve covered them before when it comes to Outbound Marketing. However, they are only very recently now available to create and use in Real-time marketing. Content blocks give you the ability to create little building blocks or sections that can easily be added to an … Continue reading Using Content Blocks In D365 Real-time Marketing

Microsoft Bookings Connector in Power Automate – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

I started writing about Microsoft Bookings in 2020, wanting to learn as much as I could and then share that insight with others. To this day, some of my most read blog posts are on the topic of Bookings and how to get the most from it. Back then, the only way to get data … Continue reading Microsoft Bookings Connector in Power Automate – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Adding Tables To Model-driven Power Apps For Using In Advanced Find

As reviewed in my post that provides a Comprehensive Guide To Modern Advanced Find & View Management, the ability to actually search across a table using the latest Advanced Find functionality is only possible if if it exists within the app being used. I had a few questions asking how to add tables to the … Continue reading Adding Tables To Model-driven Power Apps For Using In Advanced Find

Creating Internal Notification Emails For Outbound Marketing Form Submissions

One of the things I love about Power Automate and Dataverse combined, is how every day is a school day. We create new processes or flows that work great for the time in which they were created, then you learn more, or things change and new functionality is released, and now it’s time to learn … Continue reading Creating Internal Notification Emails For Outbound Marketing Form Submissions

Create No-Code Custom Triggers From Related Tables

Have you checked out the functionality of creating no-code custom triggers in D365 Marketing yet? If not, go and read all about it in my last post, then come back. I’ve already walked through a simple trigger that fires when a column is changed on an existing Contact record. Pretty simple, but powerful stuff! In … Continue reading Create No-Code Custom Triggers From Related Tables

Create Your Own Custom Triggers Without Any Code in D365 Marketing

If you’re on at least version 1.84.2011.0 of D365 Marketing, and you’ve tried to create a Trigger, you might have already noticed there is now a second option available. The ability to create a trigger that can be used in conjunction with a custom app or website, or tied to a flow in Power Automate, … Continue reading Create Your Own Custom Triggers Without Any Code in D365 Marketing