Categories: Events

I’m so excited! This coming Thursday I am a part of something really cool for any one using or interested in Dynamics 365. D365UG is an amazing group for users of Microsoft Dynamics 365. They have organised a FREE unique three day virtual event (from Tuesday 7th to Thursday 9th August 2018) with presenters from all over the world sharing their knowledge, ideas and expertise during the D365UG Virtual Summer Camp.

Of course, I am looking forward to attending some of the sessions, but the biggest thrill for me is that I am presenting my own session. It was an honour to be chosen, and I am proud to be included among awesome Microsoft MVP’s and well known people in the industry.

There are two tracks you can choose from, but you can mix and match and attend any of the sessions. One is all about Customer Service, the other focuses on Field Service and Project Service. If you haven’t already, check it out here: D365UG Virtual Summer Camp

My session is all about Net Promoter Score, how to incorporate it in to your organisation, gathering feedback in a consistent way. If you want to find out more, you can view my session here. There is a link under the description to register via Go To Webinar.

So, I hope to see you online Thursday for my session, or in one of the other fantastic presentations offered. It’s going to be a great summer camp!

Check out the latest post:
Use Lead Scores To Create A Segment

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2 thoughts on “Presenting For the D365UG Virtual Summer Camp

    1. Hi Tony, thanks so much for the comment, and for being part of organising the summer camp. It was fantastic to see so many come together and share their knowledge. Such a well recieved event. I hope to be a part of the next one!

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