Categories: Events

It wasn’t that long ago that I had my first introduction to presenting for the D365/CRM User Group community and took part as a presenter in their Virtual Summer Camp. The experience was fantastic, and an event I was proud and honoured to be a part of. It’s a fantastic feeling sharing knowledge and ideas with others, and getting positive and encouraging feedback, and I’ve got the buzz so I am doing it again!

This time, I’m going to be presenting at the D365UG/CRMUG meeting in Manchester on October 11th. The event is free for User Group members (but if you aren’t already a member, consider joining… it’s an awesome group to be a part of!) and will be held from 6.30 pm to 9.30 pm. There will be plenty of time for networking, meeting others in the community, then the lovely David Reid (Microsoft) will be giving a road map presentation. You can find out what’s in store for Dynamics 365 in the future. No pressure that I get to follow him!

If you saw my recent post on creating awesome surveys using custom style sheets then my presentation might be of interest. I’ll be expanding on that article and will show ways in which CSS can be used to make awesome portals, amazing surveys and artistic email templates. This can help increase your brand recognition while pushing consistency across all of your customer touch-points.

So, if you aren’t a member of the D365/CRM User Group, consider joining… and if you are… have you registered? Hoping to meet some more of the amazing community at the event!

Check out the latest post:
Use Lead Scores To Create A Segment

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2 thoughts on “D365UG/CRMUG – Presentation in Manchester

  1. Awesome, I wish you the best!. I will look forward to be part of the summit. I love your presentations and your blog. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

    1. Thanks so much for your lovely comments Adriana. Very kind of you! And thanks for supporting my blog, that means a lot. Doing the presentations is a lot of fun, great to share ideas and knowledge with fellow D365/CRM enthusiasts!

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