Categories: Tools and Tips

Do you know what Twitter Lists are? Are you on any? And how do you make them? These are all great questions to ask! Let’s get to the answers…..

Do you know what Twitter lists are?

A list is a way of grouping Twitter accounts together. This can be done using a specific topic in mind. For example, you might want a list containing all of your clients, or leaders within a specific industry. Each lists gets it’s own unique link. All of the tweets from people I added to the list will show up grouped together. It can make it easier for you to follow along for a specific subject or event and sometimes more relevant than just following a hashtag. Looking through lists that interest you is also a great way to find new people to follow.

Are you on any lists?

While on your Twitter profile, click on Lists from the top. You will then see two tabs, Subscribed to and Member of. The image displayed to the right of each list is the Twitter profile image of the account that created it (helpful so you can see which ones you have created yourself). So if you look now and are a Member of any lists, someone has deemed you to be interesting enough to want to watch and hopefully interact with your tweets.

You can view a list by clicking on the name. Looking at this ‘Technology’ list by the lovely @RoseMegson (from @BarclayJones) we can see the description, members and subscribers. We can then scroll through the members, and also view the tweets from all of the members. You can also then subscribe to that list if it interests you.

So how do you make a list?

Make sure you are logged into Twitter. You can either use the top menu and click on your image, then Lists, or go to your profile page and click on the Lists option below the header image. Then, from the right hand side, click on Create new list.

Give your list a name, then a description if you wish. Your list can be Public or Private. Might be a good idea to keep Lists private if you are using it to group your clients or prospects all in one place. However, if you are creating a list that might provide value to others, make sure you keep it Public. Click save list.

Adding users to lists can be done directly from their profile (got to add @dyn365diva!), or from a list of users. Click the ellipsis (three dots) then Add or remove from lists. A window will be displayed with all of your lists. Simply tick next to the one to add the user to.

That’s it! My finished Awesome CRM People is complete. I can add or remove people as I wish, and others can subscribe to it should they choose to.

Now it’s your turn! Have you made any lists? Want to share? Feel free to add below, but let me know why you created it and how it helps those who might want to subscribe to it.

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