Categories: Microsoft Forms Pro
EFFECTIVE: 2020-21-07 – Microsoft announced that Forms Pro was becoming Dynamics 365 Customer Voice. While elements of this blog post may still be accurate, keep in mind that the product has change. You can review the blogs in the D635 Customer Voice category which is being added to over time.

This is not news, I know, but trust me, if you are still using Voice of the Customer, you need to read this to make sure you are taking advantage of an amazing offer. Deprecation for Voice of the Customer was announced on July 1st, 2019 by Microsoft. Perhaps an unpopular opinion, but I loved Voice of the Customer (VoC), even going so far as to create a VoC playlist on my YouTube channel. The ability to trigger survey requests based on business processes and actions from Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement made it easy to send out emails with personalised surveys to customers. In walked Forms Pro, with the ability to interact with the responses using Microsoft Flow, with the responses being stored in the Common Data Service. Huge!

What does Forms Pro cost?

Forms Pro is not free, but Microsoft Forms Pro is included as part of the Dynamics 365 enterprise license. A tenant with a Dynamics 365 enterprise license has 2,000 responses per month included at the tenant level (irrespective of how many seats the tenant has). Forms Pro is included with Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise, Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise, Dynamics 365 Field Service, Dynamics 365 Marketing, Dynamics 365 Talent, and Dynamics 365 Project Service Automation. Other Dynamics 365 customers can purchase Forms Pro separately.

An amazing offer from Microsoft

So, if you haven’t done anything about this change and are still using VoC, what should you do? First thing, stop creating any new VoC surveys. Second…. start reviewing documentation, blogs and videos on Forms Pro so you can see the possibilities. You can still create and distribute new surveys and collect responses until July 1st, 2020, but here is the biggest thing you will miss out on if you wait that long….an extra 48,000 survey responses a month until July 1st, 2021!!!

Yes, you read that correctly…. Microsoft are trying to help customers with the transition from VoC If you have been actively using VoC before July 1st, 2019 (basically before they announced the deprecation), you can request for the temporary Forms Pro capacity to be increased to 50,000 responses per month which will last until July 1st, 2021. To do this, you can contact to apply for this increase.

Make the transition!

This is honestly a big deal. It’s huge right? If you haven’t already started reviewing your current form requirements and comparing with Forms Pro, and starting the transition, do it now. Don’t miss out on the increase being offered.

Check out the latest post:
Use Lead Scores To Create A Segment

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5 thoughts on “Voice of the Customer Is No More!

  1. Hi Megan,

    Do you know any reference article where it states how to migrate VOC response data to Form pro entities?

    1. Hi Noor, you are not able to migrate the VOC responses to Forms Pro entities. Data inserted directly to Forms Pro entities will not show up in Forms Pro as the records are mastered in Microsofts cloud services and the data is then copied to CDS (or D365CE in your world). You should be able to create some Power BI reports combining VOC and FP together though.

    2. It’s fine if it doesn’t show in Forms Pro. At least, we will have a single source for PowerBI report. May I ask you if you can refer me a MS article on this?

    3. On how to create a Power BI report? There are tons of resources online on YouTube, and blogs that should help on how to get started. In terms of how to get your VOC responses in to the FP entity, no, nothing that would exist as it’s not really best practice or what Microsoft are suggesting you would do.

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