Dynamics 365 Customer Voice surveys are added initially using the Default language based on the language of the Microsoft Office 365 environment where Customer Voice is set up. Additional languages can be added to a survey, providing a way to request feedback in languages more familiar or native to the respondents. If there is a match between the languages added to the survey and the language set on a respondents browser, they will be displayed the best fit language for them. In this post we will look at how to add the additional languages to a survey.
Setting up the additional languages is straight forward. When in the Design tab on a survey, click on Customisations from the right side of the screen. Then click on Languages.
You can add an additional 23 languages to a survey. We can see the default languages displayed, then the option to add another language by clicking on the plus button.
Search for the language then click to select.
Once you have added the languages you want, you can then edit one of them by clicking on the pencil icon next to the name.
This allows you to edit for a specified language. The default language will show first, with a box where you then can add the translated text.
For several languages, the faster way is to download an Excel file, fill it out with the translations then upload it back to the survey.
The download file will contain your default language questions, then columns and rows for each language you added to the survey. Fill out all of your translations then save the file on your work station.
Go back to the Languages menu, then click the Upload button. Browse out for the file to import it. You’ll then see it was uploaded, and see the name of the file displayed.
You can now share the survey with your customers and/or anonymous respondents. Each person will see the survey in the language that matches the language set on their browser. If there is no match, they will see the default language. The person viewing the survey can always use the language drop down control to switch from one language to another manually should they choose.
You can watch a video about this here.
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