Removing Email Addresses From Suppression In D365 Marketing

In a previous post, I reviewed the ability to manage consent from Contact and Lead records in Customer Insights – Journeys (D365 Marketing). As of the time of writing this post, that is still a preview feature for removing email addresses from suppression. Another preview feature is the ability to remove email addresses from suppression, … Continue reading Removing Email Addresses From Suppression In D365 Marketing

Access To Manage Consent From Lead And Contact Records

The March 2024 release for Customer Insights – Journeys includes a much awaited for feature. The ability to manage consent from Lead and Contact records is finally here! It is this feature from the Wave 1 2024 release plan, and the documentation can be found here. However, with many things, there is more to learn … Continue reading Access To Manage Consent From Lead And Contact Records

Resolving Error While Creating Target Entity Issue on Realtime Marketing Form Submissions

I’m hoping this helps people who have scratched their head for ages wondering why their Leads or Contacts are not being created when someone submits a Realtime Marketing Form. This has actually occurred for two different clients in a given week, so time for a post about. All you see is that the form submission … Continue reading Resolving Error While Creating Target Entity Issue on Realtime Marketing Form Submissions

Using Google Tag Manager For Your Realtime Marketing Form Scripts

I’ve shared information on getting set up with Google Tag Manager in the past, and also on how to add different scripts to work with your Realtime Marketing scripts. In this post I will show you how you can include all of your form related scripts to run using Google Tag Manager (GTM). This means … Continue reading Using Google Tag Manager For Your Realtime Marketing Form Scripts

Internal Notification Emails For Event Forms In Realtime Marketing

I’ve previously written about creating internal notification email for Realtime Marketing Form Submissions. This post is an extension of that, and covers the scenario of someone submitting a Realtime form that is actually an event Registration form. You can use just one form for events, and link it to multiple events. If you get form … Continue reading Internal Notification Emails For Event Forms In Realtime Marketing

Providing Security Access To Users For Realtime Form Ownership

Using Realtime Marketing Forms from Customer Insights Journeys on your website provides a quick and seamless way to have new Leads and Contacts created automatically in Dynamics 365. It’s good to know that when a new record is created, the owner of that record will be whomever owns the Marketing Form. Rather than giving Sales … Continue reading Providing Security Access To Users For Realtime Form Ownership

Using Additional Matching Strategies On Realtime Marketing Forms

For your Realtime Marketing Forms, there are two options out of the box for determining what happens when someone fills out the form. You can either have a new record created every single time, or you can try and find a matching existing record via the email address field to update it if one exists … Continue reading Using Additional Matching Strategies On Realtime Marketing Forms

Set Language Of Person Submitting Your Realtime Marketing Form

Using Realtime Marketing from Dynamics 365 (Customer Insights – Journeys) gives you the ability to customise your emails, and using dynamic conditional content, set different variations based on field values. One common field to use is that of a custom language field. You could ask for this information, or you could use a piece of … Continue reading Set Language Of Person Submitting Your Realtime Marketing Form

Wave 1 2024 Customer Insights Journey Chat With Amey Holden

The release notes for Dynamics 365 Wave 1 2024 have been published. My good friend Amey Holden and I got together to chat about each proposed change or new feature from the Customer Insights – Journeys section (formerly D365 Marketing). We talk through what each of us thinks of the new proposed features from Microsoft … Continue reading Wave 1 2024 Customer Insights Journey Chat With Amey Holden

Setting Default Values For Unmapped Fields When Using Realtime Form Capture

I wrote about using the new preview (as of time of writing this) feature on Realtime Marketing forms with form capture. This gives you the ability to map submissions from 3rd party forms but still create the new/updated Contact or Lead record in D365. In that post, I wrote about the process of mapping the … Continue reading Setting Default Values For Unmapped Fields When Using Realtime Form Capture