Categories: WordPress

I wanted to create a page on my website, a place to add links to other articles and sites I find useful. Although I knew I could create a new custom post type, I didn’t want to have the links be posts, and didn’t want to have one page and keep updating it. Although I had seen the links section in WordPress, even after having sites for years, I had never used that area.

So, I took a look. First, I set up my link categories. Pretty much the same thing as setting up your blog categories. Pretty straight forward.

Then, I added my links. Just the name of the link, the URL to the page itself, then a description for the link. You can set if you want it to open in a new tab, or same window etc.

Then, I wondered how to get it on to the site for visitors to view. There is a widget option, but I wanted it to display on a page itself. So, I created a custom page template. Then found this WordPress function page on wp_list_bookmarks. It pointed me in the right direction.

Adding the code below lists all the links, and groups them by the categories. I wanted to show the description, then have a paragraph break between each link. I added it after the content so I can add whatever I need at the top of the page, and just call the links below.

<?php wp_list_bookmarks(‘categorize=1&show_images=1&show_description=1&orderby=name&
title_li=&between=<p>&category_before=&category_after=’); ?>

Hope this helps if you want to create a link page. You can view my working link page here.

Check out the latest post:
Create Email Templates Using Custom HTML In Realtime Marketing

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