After finding this great article online for creating 3D charts in CRM, I wondered what else I could change. Start off by Exporting the chart. The FetchXML will download. Open it up in an editing tool, Notepad works fine.
There are quite a few elements that can be adjusted, and many articles online. By changing the following elements, the chart can be transformed into a much more interesting and stylish graphical representation of your data.
3D – change from false to true: <Area3DStyle Enable3D=”true” />
Chart Palette – change from none to one of 12 valid options: Chart Palette=”SeaGreen”
Legend Alignment – can be Near, Center or Far: Legend Alignment=”Far”
Legend Style – can be Style, Column, Row or Table: LegendStyle=”Column”
Legend Docking – can be top, left, bottom or right: Docking=”top”
Funnel Label – can be inside or outside: FunnelLabelStyle=Inside
Save the XML, then use the Import Chart function to create the new chart.
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