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I’ve written about creating real-time marketing forms in D365 Marketing many times now, but for all of those posts I’ve always referred to using the JavaScript to then embed the form in a page on a website. What if you want to use the form as a stand alone landing page instead? Did you know this can also be done from a Realtime Marketing form and create a Real-time Marketing Landing Page? There is no separate place for landing pages in Realtime and even better, you don’t need a portal to do this! This blog will show you how.

First, navigate to Real-time marketing, the channels area and then Forms. Create a new form, give it a name and select the target audience of Contact or Lead.

Click to view in detail

Prior to adding in or adjusting the fields on the form, use the options to add in new sections, columns and elements to build out your page.

Click to view in detail

Then make sure you include all of the fields for your form, any compliance related checkboxes and your submission button.

Click to view in detail

Make sure your compliance checkbox links to the correct Compliance profile and determines what happens if the field is checked and if it should update consent for Email and/or Text.

Click to view in detail

Review the form settings area to determine what happens if a duplicate is found (update existing or always create a new record) and determine if you want to display a simple message upon submission, or redirect the person to a different page on your site.

Click to view in detail

Now publish the form. Here you are presented with two options. Either get the JavaScript code, OR create a new standalone page. Click the Create button for a new standalone page.

Click to view in detail

Once the page is created, a link to the page will be displayed which you can copy, or just click the Open in new tab button to review it.

Click to view in detail

That’s it! The page opens with all of the sections, columns and elements you created, and the visitor and submit the form that you have included.

Click to view in detail

One last thing to note… by default the top of the browser will show the words ‘Marketing Form’ which doesn’t look all that great, but we can change it.

Click to view in detail

Go back to Edit the form, then go in to the HTML. You can find the <title> tag which will show Marketing Form. Instead, just modify it to use your own custom title to indicate what the landing page is for, and even include your organisations name. Simple!

Click to view in detail

Check out the latest post:
Hidden Features In Model-driven Apps

D365 Marketing Weekly
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25 thoughts on “How To Create Real-time Marketing Landing Pages

  1. Hi Megan,

    Thanks for the great food for thought. Can these stand alone pages f.e. also be used as a redirect page? And are there any limitations in terms of the amount of stand-alone forms can be hosted this way without having a portal?


    1. Hi Laura, I don’t know of any limitations, I would hope none! Not sure I understand the question about using as a redirect page. You can add a redirection for when the form is filled out, and of course you could redirect another page on your website to your landing page if you were to set that in your site as a 301 perhaps.

  2. Hi Megan,

    thanks very much for this. Is it possible to set up a form with two email fields included, so that we can verify the customer’s email addresses as they are entering their data.


    1. Hi Sean, you can only use fields that exist on the Lead or Contact tables. What you could do is add the main email field, then another email field and use some javascript to check the two and prevent the submission of the form if they do not match and also display a message like this:

      Emails Do Not Match

      I will do a blog about it coming up next week!

  3. Hi Megan,

    Am I correct in thinking that “https://assets-eur.mkt.dynamics.com….” cannot be changed for standalone pages.


    1. I don’t believe it can be changed Sean, that is the server provided by Microsoft that stores images/assets/landing pages etc.

  4. Hi Megan,

    another question for you on Realtime marketing forms. I hope I am not asking too many questions 🙂

    Is it possible to set the owning business unit for records submitted via real time marketing forms?


    1. Hi Sean, when someone submits the form, and they don’t already exist in D365, it creates a Contact or Lead. The Owner of that new record will be the Owner of the Marketing Form (out of the box, no customisations). The Owning Business Unit is the Business Unit of the Owning Team or Owning User. Does that help?

  5. Hi Megan,

    I have a question regarding which target audience to choose.

    I did some testing and when I picked “Contact” as target and submitted the Marketing form of type ‘Lead generation’, no Lead was created.

    I then tried another marketing form with Lead as the target audience. When I submitted that form a Lead was created BUT it was not connected to the Contact record with the same email address. Is that really OOB?

    Is there a way, OOB, to create a Lead and connect the Lead to the existing Contact when submitting a marketing form in Customer Insights – Journeys.

    Thanks in advance for your reply.

    1. Hi Robin, the target audience will determine what kind of record is created or updated. The name of the form template being Lead generation isn’t relevant here, it’s just the name Microsoft gave the form. When you submit the form and you picked the target audience of Lead, there is nothing that will OOB go and look for any existing Contacts and link them unfortunately. You would need to create a process using Power Automate to try and find any related Contact and link it to a new Lead.

  6. Hi Megan,

    Thank you for information.
    I want to create privacy policy page which should not have any fields or I don’t required any target audience because it is just information page, so How can I achieve this ?

    1. Hi Pujan, this should be something that you would just create as a page on your website, not something to create within D365 Marketing.

  7. Can these form/landing pages in Real-time have dynamic content? Let’s say I’m sending out an email to different clients and want the page to populate personalized content. Or would I go to Power Pages to achieve that? Or do I have to use the Outbound landing pages?

    1. Hi Yulya, not yet…. but it’s on the way. Personalised forms or pre-filling of fields is only in Outbound for now, but hopefully in Realtime within a few months. Fingers crossed!

  8. Dear Megan,

    Thank you very much for this topic ! Very interesting.

    After editing the title of the page, is it possible to change the favicon ?
    If so, how can we do it ?

    Thanks in advance for your help !

  9. Hello Megan, I am trying to move from Outbound Marketing to Real Time Marketing and struggling with the lack of Marketing Pages in RTM. My landing pages usually contain forms plus extra information about the promotion or solution but this doesn’t seem possible to create in RTM. I don’t want to create landing pages on my website and if using Power Pages for every landing page just doesn’t seem right. What am I missing?

    Thank you

    1. Hi Catherine, I feel like I must have missed something in this post and not explained it very well… there isn’t anything in it that shows you would need to use Power Pages. The opening paragraph says you don’t need a portal. Can you help me understand what part doesn’t make sense?

  10. Hello Megan,
    Sorry for not being clear. Previously the form was an element that you added to the page along with images, headings, text etc. When I create a form in RTM and publish it, the page contains just the form in the middle of the page. I need to add a banner image and more information to the page in addition to the form.
    Thank you!

    1. So you would use the controls on the form to add your banner image and information on the page just like I did in the example.

  11. Hello Megan, thanks for your explanations. I have one question: Is it possible to add something like a “comment” field as a free text field on the form? This was possible in Outbound but I can’t find it in RT. Thanks, Susanne

  12. Hi Megan, Thanks for this, Can you let me know how can I see this analytics and view in segment who landed nad filled the form

    1. Hi Radha, you would see the form submissions back on the submissions tab of the form itself. In a segment you could add in the behavioural step to find people who have submitted a specific form. Should be pretty quick and easy to create!

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