Categories: Microsoft Clarity

Reviewing and analysing your website traffic data can be done easily using Google Analytics. If you aren’t already using segments, they are a great way to track and understand more about the behaviour of your website visitors. As I’ve mentioned before, Microsoft Clarity is not something that should be used INSTEAD of Google Analytics, but in addition to and to complement the analytics. Using the integration between the two provides further benefits as now the segments you’ve created in Google Analytics can be used to filter the recordings in Microsoft Clarity. Let’s look at how to use this feature.

If you already have the integration set up, navigate to the Recordings area in Microsoft Clarity and click on Segments. From here you should now see a lovely list of segments available with the Google Analytics icon next to it. Each one will show exactly what the filtering for the segment is so you have an idea of what conditions will be applied when using it.

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So exactly where are these coming from? If you navigate to Google Analytics and the Admin area, you can access the Segments for each view in the Personal Tools & Assets area. This shows all custom segments you have set up. Clicking on New Segment we can create another one.

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There are several options available in terms of the types of filters we can use. These cover Demographics, Technology, Behaviour, Date of First Session, Traffic Sessions and Advanced including the ability to use Conditions and Sequences. For this one, I am going to search for visits where the location of the visitor came from the City of Chesterfield. After giving the new Segment a name, it can be saved.

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Still in Google Analytics, clicking on a report we can see the segment of All Users at the top. This is the segment by default but a Custom Report might have a different segment applied by default. Clicking on the All Users segment allows it to be changed.

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I can untick All Users and select Chesterfield Visitors instead.

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After clicking Apply, the report is now filtered using this new custom Segment instead.

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Now that a new one has been added, it is pretty much immediate in it showing up in Microsoft Clarity. Now it can be used here, to filter the recordings.

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After clicking on one of the segments, the recordings are filtered to only show those that match the condition applied to the segment in Google Analytics. This is a great way to add extra filters. City for example is not available as a filter option in Microsoft Clarity, so by creating it in Google Analytics first, we can still filter the data in that way. How cool is that!

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You can watch a video on this too.

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