Hooray! If you are using Dynamics 365 CRM version 9, you can now create a new field where users can select multiple values. This is awesome news as in the past you might have needed multiple fields to allow users to pick more than one option on an account. Now you can achieve a this with a MultiSelect Option Set.
Add the new field in the usual way, but pick the Data Type of MultiSelect Option Set. Add all of your values with their needed labels. Finally, add it to your form.
Now we can see the Industry field just created. Click in to the field. You can start typing in text to find related options, or scroll down through the list. Click in the box next to each option needed for the record.
The options selected from the list will be displayed and separated by semicolons.
To find records in a view, select the field, then Contain Values. You can then pick which value(s) you want to search on.
Add the field as a column on the view, and you will see all of the options added to the multiselect option set field, separated by semicolons. This feature should prove really helpful!
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Thanks for the article!
By the way, now there is also a flexible alternative to the out-of-box multi select.
It is based on N:N relations & FetchXml, and does not contain “OptionSet related limitations”.
Hi Pavel, thanks for checking out the article and taking time to comment. Your solution looks really interesting! Going to take a look in more detail once I can carve out some time. Thanks for sharing it!