What? Why? When?
All valid questions. During the Inspire event (July 21st 2020) Microsoft made a massive announcement about changes coming to their survey and feedback offering. It seems like about a year ago that Microsoft launched Forms Pro (pretty much give or take a few weeks!), which provided functionality tied into the Common Data Service and was the suggested replacement for Voice of the Customer used by Dynamics 365 customers.
But what is Customer Voice?
Dynamics 365 Customer Voice is a new product, with the primary focus being to request and manage customer feedback. It took a few steps to get there, but hopefully, now we can see that Microsoft Forms is one product, and Customer Voice is another. Customer Voice has the same great features as Forms Pro but also includes new capabilities and exciting features. The user interface is separate from Microsoft Forms, which will hopefully remove a lot of the confusion of not knowing exactly which product was being used by some customers.
How can I learn more?
Check out the video at the bottom of this post, or click the link below to access it on YouTube. I’ve covered what I think might be some of the most common questions after an announcement like this.
π₯ Customer Voice Launch Q & A – YouTube Video
I talked about this with my good friend Lisa Crosbie on our podcast too:
π€ The UP Podcast – Episode 8
I will also be doing my first demo of Customer Voice on a webinar for the xRMVirtual User Group on Tuesday August 4th. Find out more using the link below, and add it to your calendar:
π xRMVirtual User Group – Customer Voice Demo
You can also review the official links from Microsoft:
π£ Official Announcement on D365 Blog
π Dynamics 365 Customer Voice Overview
π Dynamics 365 Customer Voice Capabilities
There is also content available on Microsoft Learn which can be accessed here:
π©βπ Customer Voice Microsoft Learn Modules
In Summary
This is a HUGE announcement for anyone using Forms Pro. It’s been pretty big for me personally as I have been lucky enough to review Customer Voice, provide feedback and also help with the Microsoft Learn content. I think there are some fantastic new features, and it will be exciting to see where it goes. Although a lot of my content will no longer be relevant, many of the posts that cover Power Automate (and creating flows to use with Forms Pro) will still be relevant. With over 70 posts on Forms Pro, I won’t be updating everything, but will certainly share new and exciting features when they come out.
Check out the latest post:
Create Dynamic Email Signatures With User Images In Realtime Marketing
This is just 1 of 488 articles. You can browse through all of them by going to the main blog page, or navigate through different categories to find more content you are interested in. You can also subscribe and get new blog posts emailed to you directly.
I’m trying to use Customer Voice, but for a few days now it just shows:
“It looks like Customer Voice is unavailable right now
Weβre getting things ready for you. Please check back soon.”
Our IT admin has installed the app. Any hints?
Hi Mike, when you say you are trying to use it, when you go to https://forms.office.com/ does it give you the option to Open Customer Voice from there? Or are you still able to access and open up your surveys from Forms Pro? If so, and you don’t see the button to Open Customer Voice, it means you haven’t been upgraded and transitioned to Customer Voice yet. Also not sure what you mean by your admin has installed the app….. what are you referring to?
Thanks for coming back – stress levels are rising at my end as the deadline is looming.
That link takes me to my existing Forms Pro web app, https://forms.office.com/FormsPro/Pages/DesignPage.aspx
There’s no button to Open Customer Voice, it all looks the same as in previous months. So it looks like we haven’t been transitioned yet.
Our admin added Customer Voice as an Office 365 web app. However the page (link below) just shows “It looks like Customer Voice is unavailable right now
Weβre getting things ready for you. Please check back soon.”. Its been that way for about a week.
Any advice appreciated – thanks!
If you don’t see the button to open Customer Voice from Forms Pro, you haven’t been transitioned yet, so can’t use it. There isn’t anything you can do but wait… or open up a support ticket with Microsoft and ask when your tenant is due to be moved over. You will continue to use Forms Pro until you move.
Same here Mike, we also aren’t able to access Customer Voice yet. Far from ideal since the Microsoft documentation points to Forms Pro being entirely unavailable in 10 days, not sure how we’re expected to review/prepare/train in such little time. I spoke to a Microsoft support engineer this morning but they weren’t able to tell us when we would be transitioned.
You could try posting your question or concerns here on the new Customer Voice Forum: https://community.dynamics.com/365/dynamics-365-customer-voice/ – Welly Lee, who is the Customer Voice Product Manager is very active in the forum and will likely respond to you pretty quickly.
Thanks for the link Megan, I created this post. I hope others with the same problem can add their comments to draw attention to this.
I am having issues exporting data from FORMS which is now on new platform Customer Voice. I was able to localize it to only Surveys (quizes still export) and they were surveys created in Forms. (surveys created in Forms PRO works fine). Any ideas?
Hi Joel. I haven’t got anything that can fix this, but I know it seems to be an issue. You can go to the Customer Voice Forum here and see that others have also reported this: https://community.dynamics.com/365/dynamics-365-customer-voice/ – if you go to this link, which is the most recently updated one, you will see a response from the Product Owner at Microsoft with some feedback: https://community.dynamics.com/365/dynamics-365-customer-voice/f/dynamics-365-customer-voice-forum/399411/survey-export-fails
Thanks for all your info. So I am correct to assume Forms will remain and it is only Forms Pro that will transition over?
Hi Kendall, your assumption is correct! π
It looks like hyperlinking text which was a Forms Pro feature has disappeared???
You can still add a hyperlink, just type out the address and it shows. There isn’t a control that allows you to change the text that displays, but that does exist still in the name of the survey and the description.